This past week, I have tried to get my life a little bit more organised. I have always loved using a diary, but over the past few years, I have just not had the time to buy one, or I start in the new year and the momentum of using it quickly wanes, like all new year resolutions. I have tried using an electronic version, but I'm a paper and pen type of lady.
This time around, I have to be diligent. I have so many projects and To Do things, that everything is simply starting to fall apart and my frustration levels are rising fast and furious together with the pregnancy mood swings and thus affecting my marriage.
I'm no expert at daily planner beatification, and there are plenty of people out there that will tell you how to create a planner and maintain it. I feel this is personal and should work for you. I need some colour and some element of fun. I'm not at the point of using highlighters and pictures or simply converting the planner to a mini scrapbook.
I found an old folder lying around and it now houses my planner. I still have to find a binding method that I like and one that is actually sold in South Africa, hence why you will see string weaved through the pages to keep them together. I believe the importance is the content...the pretty will come with time and last a long time. I'm open to any suggestions that you may have, so send me a message.
I love the fact that you can plan your weekly recipes (and you don't have to stick to it but use it as a guide.) It helps me use up the groceries that are in my fridge and thus minimize the amount of waste, and we use to throw away a lot. (I hang my head in shame...) I also printed out the cleaning house schedule. My domestic comes to clean my house twice a week and I need to make sure I stay on top of the big jobs, rather than land up guessing what needs to be done next.
I bought printable white vinyl and downloaded some free pictures of stickers online. The vinyl came in a roll that was too large to feed into my printer. The sides of the vinyl were slightly longer than the length of an A4 page, so I measured out the width of an A4 page and cut the vinyl to match the width. It made the printing onto it easier. I then used my silhouette to cut out these images. A huge learning curve with the silhouette is do not remove the cutting mat after you have printed your designs. For some reason, it tries to cut the images far larger than they are even though you have the registration lines. So keep the mat and have perfectly cut out stickers.
I won't lie, it took me some time to find what I liked, and select the images I wanted to keep. If you are not new at this, you would have probably created a library of images that you could refer to. I'm in the process of building up my library. However, if you are like me, just starting out or just simply need some additional inspiration. I have listed some of the webpages I have used at the bottom of this post. An alternative is google images and use the words "Daily Planner Stickers". Loads of options to pick from. In your search options, you can set your settings to large images and you will find many better quality images that you can use. Remember to use this for your personal benefit and not to do this for resale purposes.
I needed some numbering for the pages and the names of the months, so I created my own labels.
This is what the pages looked without stickers.
What the pages look after adding in some stickers:
Stickers on the Monthly Planner:
There is still some work to do on the Daily Planner, but already, I am starting to feel a sense of accomplishment as I have started crossing off the tasks on my very long To Do list.
See you next time.
List of images to get you started:
Motivational Quotes:
Planner Stickers:
Planner Stickers and how to use your silhouette:
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